Affinity Credit Union Agriculture Mortgages
no fixed amount
The Affinity Credit Union offers mortgages to farm businesses for land acquisition, buying or building a home, or looking to expand their operation.
Comments on Funding:
Funding takes the form of a mortgage product, with the following options:
– variable rate;
– fixed rate;
– open.
Rolling deadline
Applicants must be:
1. farm businesses;
2. Affinity Credit Union members;
3. residents of Saskatchewan.
Application Steps:
For details about agricultural mortgages and rates, applicants must call Contact Center at 1.866.863.6237 or book an appointment online.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must provide:
1. a current net worth statement (and/or a copy of their most recent financial statements if their farm’s incorporated).
2. financial statements or income tax returns, i.e., 3 to 5 years of their financial information.
Other Things to Note:
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