Affinity Credit Union Home Builder Revolving Line of Credit
no fixed amount
The Home Builder Revolving Line of Credit is convenient financing for established home builders with multiple housing startups per year. One approval for each line of credit means faster set ups and disbursements for each project.
Comments on Funding:
Funding takes the form of a revolving line of credit.
Rolling deadline
Applicants must:
1. be established home builders;
2. have multiple housing startups per year.
3. be Affinity Credit Union members;
4. be residents of Saskatchewan.
Application Steps:
No specific steps have been identified.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must provide:
1. 3 years of financial statements;
2. personal financial information on all shareholders or guarantors including 3 years of personal income tax returns;
3. signed leases or rentals for all properties;
4. a business plan, including projections.
Other Things to Note:
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