Affinity Credit Union Term Loans
no fixed amount
Affinity Credit Union recognizes numerous situations where businesses can benefit from the working capital provided by a term loan. Businesses may leverage this additional cash flow to expand operations, replace aging equipment, refinance existing loans, undertake leasehold improvements, or invest in other fixed assets.
Comments on Funding:
Funding takes the form of a loan.
Rolling deadline
Applicants must:
1. be businesses;
2. be Affinity Credit Union members;
3. be residents of Saskatchewan.
Application Steps:
For details, applicants must call Contact Center at 1.866.863.6237 or book an appointment online.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must provide:
1. 3 years of financial statements;
2. personal financial information on all shareholders or guarantors including 3 years of personal income tax returns;
3. signed leases or rentals for all properties;
4. a business plan, including projections.
Other Things to Note:
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