Alimentation santé: Volet 3 – Soutien aux activités et aux projets structurants (Healthy Food: Stream 3 – Support for Structuring Activities and Projects)
This program aims to increase the number of foods of good nutritional quality, foods with improved nutritional value and foods with health value among the foods processed and offered in Québec. Its 3rd stream is designed to raise awareness and stimulate mobilization towards the development or improvement of foods of good nutritional quality, foods with improved nutritional value or foods with health value.
Comments on Funding:
The financial assistance covers 70% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of $300,000 per fiscal year. The maximum financial assistance is capped at $900,000 per applicant for the duration of the program. The minimum eligible expenses amount to $40,000.
Applications are closed. Stay tuned for future intake announcements.
Applicants must:
1. be businesses or organizations falling into either of the following categories:
a) food processing business associations;
b) research or technology transfer institutions;
c) non-profit organizations specialized in food processing;
d) distribution centers;
e) consulting firms;
f) cooperatives.
2. meet the following requirements:
a) registered in the Quebec Enterprise Register;
b) located in Quebec or having at least one establishment or branch located in Quebec.
Application Steps:
Applicants must:
1. consult the Applicant’s Guide – Part 3 (PDF, 257 KB);
2. complete the following documents for the component concerned:
a) Financial assistance application form (coming soon);
b) Template for additional information – Part 3 (DOC, 55 KB).
3. send the following mandatory documents by email to the address”
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit:
1. Financial assistance application form duly completed and signed;
2. Template for additional information ;
3. Curriculum vitae and proof of expertise of the external consultant or internal specialist;
4. Service offer from the external consultant or pay slip from the internal specialist;
5. Financial statements audited, reviewed or compiled by an external professional accountant (CPA) representing a full year of operations (12 months).
Other Things to Note:
A new call for projects will begin on August 28, 2023 and end on September 28, 2023 at midnight.
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