Bons d’accompagnement vers la croissance (Growth Vouchers)
The City of Quebec offers contributions to help companies benefit from consulting services related to the company’s strategic issues, at the different stages of its development.
Comments on Funding:
Funding takes the form of a grant, as follows:
1. For Priority and Strategic Sectors: Non-repayable contribution in fixed increments of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for a maximum amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per year; Maximum of 50% of eligible expenses for priority sectors and a maximum of 35% of eligible expenses for strategic sectors.
2. For the Commercial Sector and Property Owners: Non-repayable contribution in fixed increments of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for a maximum amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) per year; Maximum of 35% of eligible expenses.
3. For Social Economy Enterprises: Non-repayable contribution in fixed increments of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for a maximum amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per year; Maximum of 80% of eligible expenses.
Continuous Intake
Applicants must:
1. be incorporated private companies*;
– *Individual businesses and partnerships predominantly owned by Indigenous individuals and located within the territory of Wendake are eligible.
2. be social economy enterprises (non-profit organizations and cooperatives) primarily engaged in commercial activities;
3. have head of office located in the Quebec City Metropolitan Area (cities of Quebec, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, and L’Ancienne-Lorette) and Wendake;
4. have projects located in Greater Quebec City Area (cities of Quebec, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, and L’Ancienne-Lorette) and Wendake; with the exception of the commercial sector, which is limited to the following revitalization areas: Myrand Avenue, Royale Avenue, Sainte-Foy Road (Saint-Sacrement), Campanile Street, Racine Street, as well as the territories of commercial development corporations (SDC) and business associations.
1. Vehicle dealerships, automotive parts retailers, gas stations, and collaborative tourist accommodations (e.g., Airbnb, HomeAway), and businesses operating solely online;
2. Social economy enterprises (non-profit organizations and cooperatives) failing to demonstrate sound democratic governance;
3. Applicants not discharged from bankruptcy;
4. Businesses registered in the Registry of Enterprises not eligible for public contracts;
5. Applicants who, within the two years preceding the financial assistance application, have failed to meet their obligations related to previous financial assistance from the City of Quebec, after having duly been given notice to do so;
6. Applicants with outstanding amounts owed to the City of Quebec;
7. Projects of a discriminatory, controversial, or potentially negatively impactful nature for the City of Quebec;
8. One-time event-based projects are also excluded.
Eligible Sectors of Activity:
1. Priority Sectors:
a) Agri-food, food processing, and health foods;
b) Digital arts and interactive entertainment, financial technologies, artificial intelligence, smart city, or other digital products and technologies, excluding services and consulting;
c) Optics-photonics, measurement and control technologies, advanced electronics;
d) Life sciences, biotechnology, and health technologies;
e) Clean technologies: water, air, soil treatment, eco-mobility, energy efficiency, renewable energies, green chemistry, waste management, enabling technologies, and sustainable development.
2. Strategic Sectors:
a) Art, culture, and heritage;
b) Insurance and financial services;
c) Manufacturing, materials, industrial processing, robotics, and industry 4.0;
d) Urban security;
e) Tourism.
3. Commercial Sectors:
a) Retail, restaurants, businesses providing services to leisure and business tourists visiting the metropolitan area (including tourist accommodation);
b) Limited to businesses with 20 or fewer employees (full-time equivalent) per establishment;
c) Limited to local franchises with a maximum of 5 establishments.
d) Social economy enterprises in all sectors of activity primarily engaged in commercial activities with over 40% of self-generated revenue.
4. Others:
a) Property owners for projects in commercial urban agriculture.
Application Steps:
Applicants must complete a Funding Request Form.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit the required documents as listed in the financing application form.
Other Things to Note:
- Agriculture & Agrifood
- All
- Arts
- Environment
- Finance
- Healthcare
- Hospitality
- Information Technology (IT)
- Insurance
- Life Sciences
- Manufacturing Sector
- Media & Entertainment
- Municipal Government
- Pay for Expertise
- Quebec
- Retail
- Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures and L'Ancienne-Lorette) and Wendake
- Tourism
- Urban Agglomeration of Québec City (cities of Québec
About the author