Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP), Honey Bee Health Management






This program provides cost-share funding to Ontario beekeepers for projects that will focus on equipment, new construction or modifications to existing beekeeping equipment, as well as adopting or implementing practices to prevent the introduction and spread of honey bee pests and disease within a beekeeping operation.

Comments on Funding:

Cost share funding is available to support 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum of $15,000 per business for commercial beekeepers and $6,000 per business for hobbyist beekeepers, for all cost-share funding paid under the Targeted Intake to Support Managed Bee Health.
The maximum amount of in-kind payment for labour and equipment is $500.



Applicants must:
1. be Ontario beekeepers holding a valid certificate of registration, issued under the Bees Act, for the current beekeeping season;
2. have 10 or more colonies registered with the Provincial Apiarist for the current beekeeping season;
3. not have previously been approved for two (2) projects under this current intake (applications approved after June 21, 2021). Applicants are only eligible for two (2) approved applications per business (or per OMAFRA beekeeper registration ID) between both project categories under the Targeted Intake to Support Managed Bee Health.
4. be a legal farm business that produces agricultural commodities in Ontario;
5. have a Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN) OR eligible exemption for the farm business.
a) Applicants are not required to have a Premises Identification Number for the farm property where the project is to take place.
b) Applicants that are not required to have a Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN) according to the Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act are eligible for cost-share funding under the condition that they are a registered beekeeper and hold a valid certificate of registration, issued under the Bees Act for the current beekeeping season.
5. be in compliance with all Requirements of the Law and remain in compliance for the duration of the project.

Ontario beekeepers holding a valid certificate of registration, issued under the Bees Act, for the current beekeeping season who wish to significantly increase their sales by developing new products or processes, or who wish to increase their sales in the Canadian market by implementing a comprehensive business or marketing plan.

Application Steps:

Applicants: 1. should submit their applications and the support documentation electronically at;
2. can also complete the Application Form for the Project Category they are applying under, and submit with all required documentation by email to Copies of Application Forms are available at
If they cannot apply online or by email, they may send hard copy applications and all required documentation to OSCIA by post or courier to 1-367 Woodlawn Road W, Guelph, ON, N1H 7K9.

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit:
1. a valid certificate of registration issued under the Bees Act, for the current beekeeping season;
2. quotes or proposals for all activities to support costs.

Other Things to Note:

May 2024: This program is no longer available (CAP Program).

1. Projects approved after October 12, 2022, under this category must be complete and operational, including having received all goods and/or services, no later than November 30, 2022.


About the author


Maurice (Moe) Muise learned the ins-and-outs of government while an employee of the Government of Canada in Ottawa for 10 years. His current focus is helping small businesses in Canada to identify and maximize funding to grow their business.

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