Catalyzing Grant






TEF offers Catalyzing Grants to support entrepreneurs with strong employment social enterprise ideas to access the support they need to complete a feasibility study and business plan to test the market and employment demand for their employment social enterprise idea.

Comments on Funding:

Grants up to $7,500 are disbursed in two parts.



Applicants must:
1. apply to complete a feasibility study and business plan for a high-potential, eraly-stage employment social enterprise;
2. intend to operate their ESE in Peel, Toronto or York Region;
3. work on a new ESE idea (not an existing employment social enterprise);
4. be individuals and organizations:
a) graduates of the ESE Idea Accelerator program; OR
b) entrepreneurs who have not completed an Accelerator program, if they have a sufficiently strong ESE idea.

Application Steps:

No specific steps have been identified.

Documentation Needed:

No specific documentation has been identified.

Other Things to Note:

May 2024: This program is no longer available.

1. Graduates of the ESE Idea Accelerator program have the option of applying for a Catalyzing Grant. Entrepreneurs who have not completed an Accelerator program can also apply for a Catalyzing Grant, if they have a sufficiently strong ESE idea. If you are interested in applying for Catalyzing Grant funding but have not participated in an Accelerator, please reach out to


About the author


Maurice (Moe) Muise learned the ins-and-outs of government while an employee of the Government of Canada in Ottawa for 10 years. His current focus is helping small businesses in Canada to identify and maximize funding to grow their business.

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