Coast Capital Savings Coast Business Savings
The Coast Business Savings, offered by Coast Capital Savings, is a dedicated business savings account designed to meet the financial needs of businesses.
Comments on Funding:
This account has the following features:
– Monthly Fee: None;
– Unlimited deposits;
– Debit transactions are just $2.50.
Continuous Intake
Applicants must be businesses seeking a savings account.
Application Steps:
Apply online.
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
1. Deposits include in-branch deposits, preauthorized credits, Coast Capital Savings® business depository ATM deposits, regular ATM deposits and electronic deposits.
2. Transactions include Coast Capital Savings® and THE EXCHANGE® Network ATM withdrawals, Interac Direct Payment, preauthorized payments, online, mobile, telephone banking and in-branch bill payments, in-branch transfers between Coast Capital Savings accounts, and in-branch withdrawals. Self-serve transfers between Coast Capital Savings accounts are free and unlimited for the High-interest Business Savings Account. Non-EXCHANGE® ATM fee: $2.50 each; additional fees may be charged by third parties as part of the transaction amount. International ATM Fee: $5.00 each plus 2% administration fee on transaction amount. International POS fee for Coast Business Savings: $2.15 each plus 2% administration fee on transaction amount. International POS fee for High-interest Business Savings Account: $3.00 each plus 2% administration fee on transaction amount. The ‘transaction amount’ is the international ATM and POS payment instruction that we receive in Canadian Dollars and pay from your account to settle the transaction. The ‘transaction amount’ is converted to Canadian Dollars by third party participants in the electronic network used to process the transaction at rates which are not set by us. Third party fees or commissions may also be included in the transaction amount.
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