Coast Capital Savings Overdraft Protection
$ 3,500.00
Coast Capital Savings offers a service akin to calling in back-up for one’s chequing account. For businesses finding it challenging to keep track of their account activities, especially with uncertainties about when cheques will clear or pre-authorized payments are due, Overdraft Protection serves as a solution. While it may resemble a line of credit, the institution advises against using it for discretionary purchases, emphasizing its intended purpose to provide coverage until a deposit can be made to cover debits.
Comments on Funding:
Funding takes the form of an overdraft, a revolving credit:
– Attaches to your existing chequing account;
– Limits of $500 to $3500 available;
– Interest only charged on funds used.
Rolling deadline
Application Steps:
Connect with the Business Banking Team.
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
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