Collaborate 2 Commercialize (C2C) Program (formerly: Voucher for Innovation and Productivity (VIP) Program)
Grant, In-Kind Support
The Collaborate 2 Commercialize (C2C)
Comments on Funding:
Funding is up to 50% of total eligible project costs and ranges from $20,000 to $150,000 to the post-secondary institution (minimum $20,000 per year).
The Industry Partner cash contribution is 1:1 with OCE. Minimum 50% of the 1:1 match must be spent at the post-secondary institution; remainder may be spent at the company.
Funds and support from current Co-Funding Partners include:
1. NSERC – Alliance:
– OCI – $20,000 to $30,000;
– NSERC – $20,000 to $30,000;
– Industry partner matching – minimum $30,000, out of which minimum 50% must be spent at the academic institution.
– OCI – $20,000 to $30,000;
– NSERC – $20,000 to $30,000;
– Industry partner matching – minimum $30,000, out of which minimum 50% must be spent at the academic institution.
3. Mitacs Accelerate:
– maximum Mitacs investment is $7,500 per intern per four-to six-month internship unit;
– Industry partner matching – minimum $7,500 per intern per four-to six-month internship unit.
4. Southern Ontario Smart Computing for Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) provides advanced computing platforms that feature three distinct and unique systems. This provides academic and industry researchers with a competitive advantage not available anywhere else in Canada. SOSCIP provides free access to IBM software and individualized technical support from project conception through project completion.
Applicants must:
1. be publicly funded Ontario-accredited post-secondary institutions (i.e., university, college, research hospital);
2. have a SME for-profit industry partner:
a) incorporated in Ontario for a minimum of two years and with a valid CRA business number;
b) with a minimum od five full-time equivalent (FTE) employees in Ontario; is using or developing technology innovation or innovative processes for competitive advantage in provincial, national and/or global markets;
c) with operations and/or R&D in Ontario related to the project and capacity to apply, exploit and/or commercialize results of the project for the economic benefit of Ontario;
d) in good financial and reporting standing with OCI;
e) with the necessary expertise and resources to put the project into effect within an appropriate timeframe.
3. propose a project that utilizes unique skills/resources of the post-secondary institution to meet industry innovation and commercialization needs.
A company cannot hold more than $150,000 in C2C funding at one time, or $525,000 of Industry‐Academic Collaborative Grants/Investments in a lifetime. Companies with over $150,000 in active C2C projects must complete those projects (including all final reporting) prior to OCI considering other applications for funding. Exemptions to this rule must be authorized by the VP, BD and provided by the PM and Program Lead with the application.
Application Steps:
1. The Industry Partner should connect with their Business Development Manager (BDM) to start the process towards initiating an application.
2. If new to OCE, the Industry Partner should complete the Program Enquiry Form to be connected with a Business Development Manager to discuss VIP eligibility and how to start the application process. 3. If the opportunity is selected as eligible and suitable for the program, the applicant will be sent an auto-generated link to OCE’s online application system, AccessOCI, to complete the application. The application will remain open for 90 days.
4. The application must be completed jointly between the Industry Partner and the Research Partner.
5. The application including terms and conditions must be submitted (by either partner) to the post-secondary institution’s Research Office for endorsement.
6. The Research Office must then submit the application to the OCE Business Development and Commercialization Manager (BDM) for final endorsement and submission.
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
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