Commercial Vacancy Assistance (CVA) Program
The Commercial Vacancy Assistance (CVA) Program provides financial assistance in the form of a Grant to new permanent or ‘pop-up’ commercial tenants of a presently vacant at, or below grade, commercial space so as to make permanent interior improvements for the purposes of improving the attractiveness and usability of the space for the intended commercial use.
Comments on Funding:
The maximum Grant amount under this Program is paid on a matching basis (50%-50%) for eligible work to a maximum of:
a. $5,000 where the Applicant has entered into a lease term of no less than three months and no longer then six months less a day for the space where improvements will be undertaken, and which is the subject of a Program application; or
b. $10,000 where the Applicant has entered into a lease term of six months or longer for the space where improvements will be undertaken, and which is the subject of a Program application.
Continuous Intake
Applicants must:
1. have commercial units on properties zoned to permit commercial uses within the Ancaster, Barton Village, Binbrook, Concession Street, Downtown Hamilton, Dundas, Locke Street, Ottawa Street, Stoney Creek, Waterdown and Westdale Commercial District CIPAs, the Mount Hope/Airport Gateway CIPA and the Strategic Commercial Corridor CIPAs as collectively defined through the RHCD CIPA By-law;
2. have commercial units that are accessible to the public/customers and may include, but not be limited to, retail uses, artists studios/galleries containing a retail component and/or dine-in or take-out restaurants;
3. must meet the goals of the Revitalizing Hamilton’s Commercial Districts Community Improvement Plan (RHCD CIP).
Application Steps:
Applicants must submit:
1. a complete Program application to the Economic Development Division prior to the commencement of works that are the subject of a Program application;
2. pay the application fee upon submission of application:
a) $105.00 Administration Fee for Grants of $5,000 or less;
b) $280.00 Administration Fee for grants less than or equal to $10,000 & Greater than $5,001.
Applications to this program are subject to the approval of the GM in their sole discretion and subject to the availability of funding.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit:
1. Completed Application Form;
2. Payment of Application Fee;
3. Two (2) dated estimates for each of the permanent works being proposed for funding;
4. Copy of a draft lease agreement for the commercial space/building that is the subject of a Program application;
5. If the tenant of the property is the applicant, written authorization of the Property Owner that the applicant is authorized to make the application must be included with this application;
6. Articles of Incorporation Documents (if applicable);
7. Articles of Amendment (if applicable);
8. Partnership Agreement Documents (if applicable);
9. Shareholders Registry (i.e. List of Shareholders and their respective percentage ownership) (if applicable);
10. List of Applicant’s Officers and Directors (if applicable);
11. Anticipated start date for construction as well as anticipated completion date;
12. Photos demonstrating state of property prior to construction/renovation taking place. Hard copies of photos are to be date stamped.
Applications shall include plans, estimates, contracts and other details as may be required to satisfy the City as to the cost of the improvement/development and conformity with the objectives of the Revitalizing Hamilton’s Commercial Districts Community Improvement Plan.
Other Things to Note:
For further details please contact City of Hamilton’s Planning and Economic Development Department at (905) 546- 2424 Ext. 2755.
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