Community Business Development Corporation (CBDC) Charlotte/Kings Oyster Farm Development Program (OFDP)
The Oyster Farm Development Program is designed to offer a non-repayable contribution to a commercial oyster producer, including First Nations, which hold and is in compliance with all the necessary permits, leases and licenses to operate suspended oyster aquaculture.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is a grant of up to $100,000 per eligible projects per year without exceeding $400,000 per eligible recipients for the life of the program, specifically it provides non-repayable contribution to the following:
– up to 25% of eligible expenditures for Operational Equipment;
– up to 75% of eligible expenditures for Adoption of New Technology;
– up to 50% up to a maximum of $10,000 of eligible expenditures for Sustainability Tools;
– up to 25% up to $6,500 per year per project accompanied receipts and proof of payment of eligible expenditures for Oyster Seeds and Spats.
Continuous Intake
Applicants must:
1. be commercial oyster producers:
a) Incorporated entities;
b) co-operatives;
c) partnerships;
d) sole proprietorship; and
e) Indigenous organizations.
2. hold and are in compliance with all the necessary permits, leases and licenses to operate suspended oyster aquaculture;
3. be in good standing with the Province of New Brunswick; be registered with the Corporate Affairs Registry, where applicable.
Application Steps:
For more information or if applicants have any questions about the program, please contact CBDC Charlotte/Kings at or call 1(888)-401-7717.
Documentation Needed:
For details about documentation requirements, applicants must reach out to CBDC Charlotte/Kings through:
Phone: (506) 466-5055
Other Things to Note:
- All
- Anagance
- and the City of Saint John (SEB Program Only)
- Apohaqui
- Belleisle
- Blacks Harbour
- Campobello Island
- Chance Cove
- Charlotte
- Deer Island
- Dipper Harbour
- Energy Efficiency
- Equipment or Property (lease or buy)
- Fisheries & Aquaculture
- Grand Bay-Westfield
- Grand Manan Island/Whitehead Island
- Hampton
- Havelock
- Indigenous Peoples
- Kingston Peninsula
- Lawrence Station
- LePreau
- New Brunswick
- Non-profit Organization
- Norton
- Productivity Improvement
- Quispamsis
- Rothesay
- St. Andrews
- St. George
- St. Martins
- St. Stephen
- Sussex
- Sussex Corner
- Technology Adoption
- Working Capital
About the author