Creative Content Development Fund






The Creative Content Development Fund provides funding for the development of creative content in the screen-based media. This program has been established to:
1. support the growth of a community of content creators in Nunavut;
2. assist Nunavut production companies to develop digital media content, particularly that which is interactive and convergent to existing television programming.

Comments on Funding:

1. A project may apply for up to three grants of $7,500 each.
2. An initial advance of 75% will be paid upon execution of a Contribution agreement with Nunavut Film
3. A final advance of 25% will be paid upon receipt and acceptance of the following:
a) copy of the content created,
b) final accounting of costs and the corresponding financing structure (Receipts may be requested.),
c) Economic Impact Report.


Continuous Intake


Applicant eligibility criteria:
1. Production Companies must:
a) be registered;
b) be majority owned by Nunavut residents;
c) have their head office in Nunavut.

2. Non-profit Production Companies must:
a) be registered;
b) have the majority of its voting members reside in Nunavut;
c) have their head office in Nunavut.

3. Individual Producers must:
a) be residents of Nunavut;
b) be producers with not less than one-year experience producing or be new producers with demonstrated ability to complete the tasks;
c) have demonstrated commitment to working professionally within the industry.

4. Applicants must:
a) own 100% of the copyright to the project (or an option to adapt the underlying property and acquire copyright ownership – exceptions apply with respect to co-productions); and
b) own or have access to the respective digital media rights (by co-production agreement or license).

Application Steps:

Applicants must apply online. If they prefer hardcopy application, email a completed application to

Documentation Needed:

No specific documentation has been identified.

Other Things to Note:

Application intake: Ongoing.


About the author


Maurice (Moe) Muise learned the ins-and-outs of government while an employee of the Government of Canada in Ottawa for 10 years. His current focus is helping small businesses in Canada to identify and maximize funding to grow their business.

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