Creative Content Development Fund
The Creative Content Development Fund provides funding for the development of creative content in the screen-based media. This program has been established to:
1. support the growth of a community of content creators in Nunavut;
2. assist Nunavut production companies to develop digital media content, particularly that which is interactive and convergent to existing television programming.
Comments on Funding:
1. A project may apply for up to three grants of $7,500 each.
2. An initial advance of 75% will be paid upon execution of a Contribution agreement with Nunavut Film
3. A final advance of 25% will be paid upon receipt and acceptance of the following:
a) copy of the content created,
b) final accounting of costs and the corresponding financing structure (Receipts may be requested.),
c) Economic Impact Report.
Continuous Intake
Applicant eligibility criteria:
1. Production Companies must:
a) be registered;
b) be majority owned by Nunavut residents;
c) have their head office in Nunavut.
2. Non-profit Production Companies must:
a) be registered;
b) have the majority of its voting members reside in Nunavut;
c) have their head office in Nunavut.
3. Individual Producers must:
a) be residents of Nunavut;
b) be producers with not less than one-year experience producing or be new producers with demonstrated ability to complete the tasks;
c) have demonstrated commitment to working professionally within the industry.
4. Applicants must:
a) own 100% of the copyright to the project (or an option to adapt the underlying property and acquire copyright ownership – exceptions apply with respect to co-productions); and
b) own or have access to the respective digital media rights (by co-production agreement or license).
Application Steps:
Applicants must apply online. If they prefer hardcopy application, email a completed application to
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
Application intake: Ongoing.
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