Écoemballage+ (Ecopackaging+): Business Support Component
Ecopackaging+ offers funding, in the form of grants, to biofood companies that need support in their packaging ecodesign process. This program supports concrete measures such as the production of studies and diagnoses and the development of action plans.
The Business Support component aims to financially support eco-design projects for ranges of packaging, food or beverage containers, taking into account from the outset the capacity of sorting centers and the material needs of Quebec recyclers and packagers.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is grant of up to $50,000 per project.
December 1, 2025
Applicants must:
1. be Quebec food processing companies;
3. be companies that use flat rates or subcontract food processing (including companies with private labels);
3. be companies that have a central kitchen.
Application Steps:
Applicants must:
1. consult the Applicant Guide – Part 1 to find out the eligibility criteria (section 5), as well as the documents necessary for their application (section 5.10):
a) contact an external expert before completing their request. However, if a suitably qualified in-house specialist is part of their organization, their contribution to the project may be considered;
b) consult the billing guide.
2. send the expert the document Completing a Submission , to ensure that the submission contains all the necessary information. Then ask the expert to provide youthem with the quote, which must be submitted in the financial aid application form;
3. submit the required documents, and additional information as requested;
4. complete the financial aid request form.
Documentation Needed:
1. Applicants must provide the documents necessary for their application (section 5.10 of the Applicant Guide);
2. For companies that have been marketing products for three (3) years or less, the following additional documents are required:
a) The business plan, including a proforma budget;
b) Financial statements for the last year for companies in operation for more than one year.
Other Things to Note:
Ecopackaging+ is an initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec (MAPAQ) administered by the Quebec Action Fund for Sustainable Development (FAQDD) which aims to support the eco-design of food packaging and recyclable beverage containers. The program will end on December 1, 2025 or when the grant runs out.
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