Enbridge Gas Audits, Studies & Assessments: Energy Assessments and Meters (formerly: Audits, Studies & Assessments: Commercial Custom Audits & Studies)
Grant, In-Kind Support
The Energy Assessments and Meters (EXCLUDED/to remove: Commercial Custom Audits & Studies) program is designed to uncover energy-efficiency potential with an energy audit. An energy audit can be a blueprint to identify and quantify potential energy-saving measures on key systems and equipment. This program will provide incentives to offset the cost, and expert help to map out a plan to achieve ongoing savings, year after year.
Comments on Funding:
Incentives* are up to 50 percent of eligible costs to the maximum listed below and can be used for energy audits, steam trap audits, or meters.
Incentives range from $1,500 up to $10,000 based on the previous year consumption per address (m3).
Continuous Intake
Applicants must:
1. be Enbridge Gas customers with at least 100,000 m3 in annual natural gas consumption in the previous year.; and
2. have pre-approved projects by Enbridge Gas.
Application Steps:
Applicants must:
1. contact Enbridge Gas to confirm their eligibility;
2. obtain a Notice of Acceptance from Enbridge Gas before carrying out the audit; and
3. complete and submit to Enbridge Gas the Application Documentation.
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
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