ESSOR – Volet 3: Appui aux projets d’investissement favorisant une réduction de l’empreinte environnementale (ESSOR’s Stream 3: Support for Investment Projects Promoting a Reduction in the Environmental Footprint)
Grant, Investment, Loan, Loan Guarantee
This stream provides financial assistance to investment projects involving at least $100,000 in eligible expenditures and aimed at significantly reducing the environmental footprint of a company already established in Québec, regardless of productivity, through the acquisition and implementation of clean technologies.
Comments on Funding:
1. Funding may take the form of:
– a repayable contribution,
– a loan guarantee (reimbursement guarantee of up to 70% on the net loss),
– an equity investment, or
– a non-refundable contribution.
2. The repayable contribution and the loan guarantee are the preferred forms of financial intervention.
3. Management fees (study fees) of at least 0.5% of the amount of financial assistance granted are payable by the company.
4. Annual guarantee fees of at least 0.5% of the guaranteed amount are payable.
Before March 31, 2025
Eligibility criteria:
1. The applicants must be a for-profit business, a cooperative or a social economy business.
2. All sectors of activity are eligible except for the following sectors:
a) primary sector (agriculture, forestry and fishing), except:
i. cultivation in a greenhouse or in a building having the same purpose as a greenhouse
ii. packaging activities, when it comes to major projects
iii. logging
b) mining, quarrying and oil and gas extraction;
c) real estate and rental and leasing services;
d) construction, excluding projects projects aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of their activities;
e) public services;
f) management of companies and enterprises;
g) health care and social assistance;
h) educational services;
i) public administration;
j) finance and insurance;
k) arts, entertainment and recreation;
l) telecommunications services;
m) broadcasting;
n) restoration;
o) other services (except public administration), excluding:
i. retail and wholesale,
ii. the tourism sector, where only projects related to accommodation services are eligible when they are attached to a tourism project
3. For companies carrying out seasonal activities in the territories of the Côte-Nord, Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Bas-Saint-Laurent and Capitale-Nationale (MRC de Charlevoix, Charlevoix-Est and Portneuf), the eligible sectors of activity are the same as those listed above, plus the primary sector (commercial fishing, mariculture, agriculture, peatlands, etc.).
Application Steps:
For application details, applicants must call 1 844 474-6367 .
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
The program ends March 31, 2025 .
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