Facade Improvement Program
The Façade Improvement Program will support improvements to the outside of a commercial property.
Comments on Funding:
Funding will take the form of a grant and will be issued at the City’s discretion on a case-bycase basis, equivalent to up to 50% of the proposed improvement cost and up to a maximum of $10,000 per façade.
Continuous Intake
Applications must meet the following criteria for their project:
1. currently registered (or in application process) business or commercial property in Mount Pearl with no outstanding debts to the City;
2. the commercial property must be adjacent to the street/sidewalk with orientation towards the street;
3. the proposed improvement must improve the physical attributes of the façade;
4. the applicant must be the building owner(s) or their designate;
5. must clearly identify in application the economic viability of the project and the benefits it will provide to the community;
6. must be located in an Economic Development Focus Area (EDFA) or by City Councils discretion.
Application Steps:
Applicants must submit the application form in an envelope clearly marked, or as a PDF attachment via email with the subject line, “Façade Improvement Grant Program Application”. Applications can be dropped off in person, by mail, or emailed to:
The City of Mount Pearl
3 Centennial Street
Mount Pearl, NL A1N 1G4
Attention: Jeremy Schwartz, Marketing and Economic Development Officer
Email: jschwartz@mountpearl.ca
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit:
1. proof of ownership/consent from owner;
2. detailed project plan;
3. photos or drawings of current conditions;
4. two different sets of contractor quotes;
5. all relevant project details, including:
a) a site plan;
b) elevations;
c) detailed drawings, photos, samples or brochures of key features (ex. Lighting and/or signage) [if available];
d) renderings showing the finished project [if available];
6. proof of registration with Service NL (or proof of application);
7. proof of registration with the Government of Canada;
8. a certificate of completion signed by the applicant and the contractor or architect indicating that the work described within the agreement has been fully completed;
9. proof all contractors have been paid in full by the applicant for the portions or parts of the project for which the applicant is seeking reimbursement. This shall be a final invoice marked paid in full, and/or a copy of the cheque made payable to the contractors;
10. proof that the improvements have passed final inspection and meet all City of Mount Pearl’s bylaw requirements including zoning, building and safety codes.
Other Things to Note:
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