Fonds aéronautique (Aeronautical Fund)
The IDE Trois-Rivières Aerospace Fund provides funding for innovative projects with a positive environmental impact. These projects must contribute directly to one of the three priority categories, namely the development of a technology cluster focused on sustainable and innovative projects, the development of air services or the commercial and real estate development at the airport.
Comments on Funding:
Continuous Intake
Applicants must:
1. be Incorporated private companies;
2. be Cooperatives;
3. be Groups made up mainly of companies. (The project leader must be registered with the Quebec enterprise registrar and have its operations in Trois-Rivières);
4. be self-employed workers;
5. have projects that meet these criteria:
a) Innovative project;
b) Associated with Trois-Rivières airport or a company in the airport industrial park.
6. be from these sectors:
a) Aeronautics;
b) Professional services – research and development and aeronautical expertise;
c) Manufacturing of aircraft components;
d) Information and communications technologies;
e) Environmental technologies;
f) Logistics and transportation;
g) Telecommunications and electronics.
Ineligible clienteles:
1. Any business or organization deemed insolvent, or in financial recovery;
2. Business whose project is not carried out in Trois-Rivières.
Application Steps:
Documentation Needed:
Other Things to Note:
May 2024: This program is no longer available.
The Fund has a total of $15,000 for the year 2023 from the Regions and Rurality Fund of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
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