Fonds croissance Trois-Rivières (Trois-Rivières Growth Fund)
Grant, Investment, Loan
The Trois-Rivières Growth Fund was created to help private businesses, social economy enterprises, and organizations bounce back from the pandemic by financing their innovation projects. $500,000 will be dedicated exclusively to the tourism sector, which was significantly affected by health measures. In some cases, the Trois-Rivières Growth may take an equity position in a company/organization and be offered visibility.
Comments on Funding:
Assistance can take the form of various financial products, as needed, including loans and debentures.
A grant equivalent to 10% of the project cost could be granted, in addition to another form of aid.
A maximum of $225,000 is granted per project.
Continuous Intake
Applicants must:
1. be industrial businesses;
2. be manufacturing businesses;
3. be business service sectors with the exception of businesses of a religious, sexual, political, seasonal nature, retail businesses, restaurants and personal services;
4. be established in the City of Trois-Rivières.
Application Steps:
1. Applicants must send financial assistance requests by email to or to the following address:
Innovation et Développement économique Trois-Rivières
370, rue des Forges, bureau 100
Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9A 2H1
2. For further information, please contact IDE Trois-Rivières at 819 374-4061 or by email at
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit:
1. a copy of the incorporation charter;
2. a copy of the financial statements from the last two years, if the company exists;
3. a copy of confirmations from financial partners, if available, but required before disbursement;
4. an executive summary;
5. a social and environmental balance sheet.
Other Things to Note:
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