Fonds filières structurantes (FFS) (Structuring Sector Funds)
The Fonds filières structurantes (FFS) is designed to financially support innovative businesses in their start-up phase on the territory of the Haute-Yamaska RCM. This fund aims to stimulate innovation, encourage business start-ups, attract promoters to the Haute-Yamaska region and create jobs throughout the territory.
Comments on Funding:
Funding takes the form of non-refundable financial assistance, up to 20% of the cost of the project, for a maximum amount of $5,000.
Applicants must businesses that meet the following criteria:
1. Innovative businesses in their start-up phase on the territory of the MRC de La Haute-Yamaska;
2. The company mainly carries out or will carry out agricultural activities;
3. For-profit companies located on the territory of the MRC de La Haute-Yamaska and registered with the Registraire des entreprises du Québec (REQ)
4. Incorporated companies are preferred.
5. The business must remain on the territory of Haute-Yamaska for a period of 5 years, failing which it will have to repay the entire grant obtained.
Application Steps:
Documentation Needed:
Other Things to Note:
May 2024: This program is no longer listed.
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