Graduate to Opportunity (GTO)
no fixed amount
Graduate to Opportunity (GTO) is helping to build a stronger workforce and retain young people in Nova Scotia with a salary incentive that makes it easier to hire recent graduates.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is 25% of the first year’s salary (35% if the new graduate is a member of designated diversity group) and 12.5% of the second year’s salary.
Currently accepting applications
The applicant must:
1. be a small business with fewer than 100 employees,
2. be a start-up company incorporated within two years of the application date,
3. be a social enterprise, not-for-profit organization, or registered charity with recognized standing,
4. open a new position, permanent, full-time and pay at least $35,000 a year,
5. not receive funding from any other government employment program for this position.
The graduate he hires must have successfully completed a post-secondary program within one year from the day the application is submitted.
The program can’t consider graduate-employees who have been working for the employer on a permanent basis before the GTO application is approved.
Apprentices in registered trades aren’t eligible for Graduate to Opportunity.
Application Steps:
The applicant must:
1. register in the online Labor Market Programs Support System (LaMPSS),
2. complete the application form and submit it electronically.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit:
1. the application form,
2. a description of their organization and its mandate, 3. a job description for the new position you wish to create, as well as its location
4. a T4 Summary for the organization or other documentation to show the number of employees.
Other Things to Note:
Issue Date: November 2022 (Guidelines)
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