Growth Facilitation and Trusted Expert Access
In-Kind Support
Kitikmeot Corporation (KC) connects companies directly with opportunities in the Kitikmeot region by providing access, training, resources, governance, and more. The Corporation also connects their partners and people with the highest quality services, professionals, and experts.
Comments on Funding:
Continuous Intake
Applicants must:
1. be companies;
2. be seeking financing to expand North;
3. be based in Kitikmeot Region.
Application Steps:
For details, applicants must contact Kitikmeot Corp. through:
Tel: (867) 983-2200
Online Contact Form
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
The Kitikmeot Inuit Association (KIA) is the sole shareholder of Kitikmeot Corporation.
About the author