Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) Save on Energy – Training and Support
IESO’s Save on Energy provides incentives to businesses for a range of energy management training programs.
Comments on Funding:
Receive incentives of up to 50% on valuable training programs.
Continuous Intake
The applicants (employers) and participants (full-time employees) must be either residents of Ontario and/or operating in Ontario or conducting business in Ontario.
Application Steps:
Applicants (employers) must:
1. complete the Training and Support Incentive Application Form in full with all requested information;
2. submit the application form with all supporting documentation.
The application form is signed by both the Applicant (employers) and all Participants (full-time employees).
The application is submitted within three (3) months of the Participant(s) completing the Initiative(s) or within six (6) months for Initiatives requiring proof of certification (i.e., Building Commissioning Professional Certification, BOC, Certified Energy Auditor, CEM, CMVP).
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit:
1. a completed application form;
2. a copy of original invoice made out to the Applicant or Participant for the Initiative fees, and, if applicable, please disclose any other incentives received or applied;
3. a copy of any professional certification received through CEM, CMVP, CEA, BOC Commissioning Professional initiatives;
4. an IESO pre-approval document provided by training provider (for Custom Training).
Other Things to Note:
Save on Energy has partnered with Enbridge Gas Inc. to offer joint incentives on select training for Enbridge customers!
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