INVEST North Program: Innovation Stream
The Innovation Stream supports the research, development and commercialization of new and innovative technologies in Northern Ontario. NOHFC considers innovative technology projects based on the following definition: “the development or implementation of ideas to produce new or improved strategies, capabilities, products, services, or processes with a strong focus on ensuring to satisfy a market need or desire”.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is in the form of a conditional contribution and will support the following:
– up to 50% of total eligible costs to a maximum of $500,000 for Applied Research and Development only projects;
– up to 50% of total eligible costs to a maximum of $2 million for Applied Research & Development and Demonstration & Commercialization Combined or Demonstration & Commercialization only projects. Combined Federal and Provincial government funding may not exceed 75% of eligible project costs.
Funding for each project is determined by the NOHFC Board of Directors, and limited funding is available. Not all projects meeting the criteria will necessarily receive funding.
Currently accepting applications
Applicants must:
1. be private-sector businesses alone, or in partnership with a public sector academic or research institution;
2. have applied research & development projects, and demonstration & commercialization of new and innovative technologies;
3. own, have registered a patent for, or have the rights to exploit the intellectual property associated with the technology, and must be able to demonstrate that the technology has been tested and fully validated before proceeding to demonstration and commercialization phase, if applying for projects where the applicant elects to combine applied research & development, and demonstration & commercialization costs.
For public-private partnership projects:
1. the private-sector business is the lead applicant and the funding recipient.
2. the partnering academic or research institution must have the relevant expertise and resources required by the private-sector partner to complete the proposed project.
The applicant may be required to reimburse NOHFC if assets financed by NOHFC are sold within the first three years after project completion.
Application Steps:
The applicant must:
1. create an online account using the form on the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) website,
2. follow the onscreen instructions to complete each section of the application,
3. click “Submit application”.
NOHFC will contact the applicant in 2 to 4 weeks!
Applicants have the choice to apply for support for applied research & development or demonstration & commercialization costs under separate applications or in one combined application.
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
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