INVEST North Program: Investment – Locate Stream
Grant, Loan
The Investment – Locate Stream provides financial support to businesses locating new business operations to Northern Ontario.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is in the form of a conditional contribution or a combination of a conditional contribution and term loan, on a case-by-case basis based on net economic benefit to Northern Ontario, to a maximum of $5 million.
Combined Federal and Provincial government funding may not exceed 50% of eligible project costs.
Funding for each project is determined by the NOHFC Board of Directors, and limited funding is available. Not all projects meeting the criteria will necessarily receive funding.
Currently accepting applications
1. must be businesses locating new business operations to Northern Ontario;
2. are expected to secure balance of funding/financing necessary to implement the project.
The applicant may be required to reimburse NOHFC if assets financed by NOHFC are sold after project completion.
Application Steps:
Applicants are required to have a pre-application consultation session with NOHFC staff prior to applying. Please contact NOHFC at 1-800-461-8329 to schedule your consultation.
Applicants must:
1. create an online account using the form on the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) website,
2. follow the onscreen instructions to complete each section of the application,
3. click “Submit application”.
NOHFC will contact the applicant in 2 to 4 weeks!
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
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