Next Generation Networks (NGN) Demonstration Program
Grant, In-Kind Support
The NGN Demonstration Program is designed to support Ontario based SMEs to use the CENGN testbed to further develop proof-of-concept or demonstrations that could lead to new technologies, products, processes and/or services.
Funding is available for stand-alone SME projects or SME collaborations with industry partners and/or public sector organizations such as municipalities, healthcare facilities or public utilities.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is 50% (maximum) of total eligible project costs, up to $50,000.
The applicant’s contribution is minimum 50% of total eligible project costs.
Applications are closed. Stay tuned for future intake announcements.
Applicants must:
1. be for-profit, incorporated in Ontario or Canada and must have a valid CRA business number;
2. be SMEs (less than 500 employees) with a validated innovative product/service;
3. be Innovation-Driven Enterprises (IDE) using or developing technology innovation or innovative processes for competitive advantage in provincial, national and/or global markets;
4. have operations with R&D in Ontario related to the project;
5. have the intent and potential to apply, exploit and/or commercialize the results of the project for the economic benefit of Ontario;
6. have the necessary expertise and resources to put the project into effect within an appropriate time frame;
7. be in good financial and reporting standing with OCI.
Companies with over $500,000 of OCE funding in their lifetime (inclusive of current application), will be required to obtain OCI approval before a new application for funding is initiated.
Awardees must agree to cooperate with OCI in the development of case studies.
Application Steps:
Applications must be initiated in AccessOCI by an OCI Business Development Manager (BDM). Once initiated, the Applicant will receive login information to begin completing the application.
Applicants must:
1. complete the online application form received from the BDM and upload the required supporting documents,
2. request their BDM to provide an endorsement of the application.
3. OCI will internally review the application within approximately one week for eligibility, completeness and financial compliance. A list of any deficiencies will be sent to the applicant for revision.
4. When the application is endorsed as eligible and complete by OCI’s internal team, the application will be sent for review by external, subject matter experts as well as the ATP Review Committee, which includes program partner organizations Ciena, Ericsson Canada, Thales, CENGN and IBM Canada.
5. Applicants will be notified of OCI’s decision regarding funding by email.
6. Once the application is approved for funding, the applicant will be forwarded a copy of OCI’s standard funding agreement, with an embedded copy of the submitted application and Schedule D, for execution. This funding agreement must be signed, via OCI’s online electronic signature function, by the applicant and returned to OCI.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit:
1. Resumes/CVs from relevant team members,
2. letter/s of support from strategic partner company (to be included only if a Strategic Partner is engaged with the project),
3. company profile from strategic partner company (to be included only if a Strategic Partner is engaged with the project).
Other Things to Note:
May 2024: The page is no longer found, but the program title is still listed.
Nov. 2023:
Subscribe for program updates & more. No information on current intakes.
Program Status: Currently Closed for Applications.
Changed source 1.
Information taken from the September 2021 Guidelines.
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