Nickel Basin Federal Development Corporation Revolving Credit Facility
no fixed amount
Nickel Basin FDC’s Revolving Credit Facility is an operating facility used for inventory purchases and account receivable financing.
Comments on Funding:
Funding takes the form of a line of credit.
Continuous Intake
Applicants must:
1. be businesses;
2. be seeking financing for inventory purchases, and account receivables;
3. be in Nickel Basin FDC’s service area.
Application Steps:
Applicants must:
1. complete and submit the application form for financing;
2. provide supporting documents;
3. be notified with the decision.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit:
1. a completed business plan;
2. personal financial statement for each borrower and/or guarantor;
3. supporting financial projections, such as a cash flow budget;
4. additional information as requested.
Other Things to Note:
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