Northern Isolated Community Initiatives (NICI) Fund: Northern Food Businesses Stream
The Northern Food Businesses stream provides funding to Northern agriculture and food businesses and communities, to build a strong territorial food industry and help reduce food insecurity in the territories using practical approaches.
Comments on Funding:
Continuous Intake
Applicants must be:
1. for-profit businesses or commercial entities;
2. organizations, corporations, associations, cooperatives, partnerships or institutions controlled by First Nations, Inuit, Metis and non-status Indians (except those established for charitable or religious purposes),
3. municipalities; and
4. social enterprises.
Application Steps:
For more information on how to apply, applicants must contact by email at or reach out to one of our regional offices by phone:
Nunavut Regional Office
Iqaluit, Nunavut
Tel: 867-975-3757
Northwest Territories Regional office
Yellowknife, NWT
Tel: 867-669-2608
Yukon Regional Office
Whitehorse, Yukon
Tel: 867-667-3346
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
NICI was announced in Budget 2019 as a $15 million investment, over five years starting in the 2019-20 fiscal. Date modified:2020-12-22
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