Northwest Territories Wage Subsidy Program
This program provides funding to employers to hire NWT residents with minimal work experience and education by offsetting the cost of hiring and training.
Comments on Funding:
1. Assistance provided under the Wage Subsidy Program will not exceed $30,000 in wage subsidies and $500 in special equipment costs, to a total maximum of $30,500 per client.
2. An exception is made for Persons with Disabilities, who may access additional support funding.
3. Employers must contribute a minimum of 20% toward the wages/benefits of each client/employee over and above the subsidy.
Continuous Intake
Employer eligibility:
1. Registered businesses, industry associations, local housing authorities, non-government organizations, Indigenous organizations, and local, municipal, or Indigenous governments are eligible for assistance.
2. Registered businesses must have been in operation for a minimum of six months.
3. Employers must apply within three months of the individual starting the position that the employer is applying for.
Individual (employee) eligibility:
1. Client must be of school leaving age (16 years or older), residing in the Northwest Territories, and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, or protected person, as defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, who is entitled to work in Canada.
Application Steps:
1. Applicants must contact their ECE Regional Service Centre.
2. To access funding, employers must:
a) meet a Career Development Officer to complete an Employer Application form;
b) provide a detailed job description;
c) include an Employee Development Plan.
3. The employee will provide:
a) Fully completed and signed Application for Service; and
b) Updated copy of resume.
Documentation Needed:
Employers must provide:
1. Employer Application Form;
2. Proof of General Liability Insurance;
3. List of Board of Directors (if applicable);
4. Proof of legal status as business or society/association (business licence or legal registry letter);
5. Proof of WSCC registration letter;
6. Application for Service form for each employee/client, accessing funding;
7. Employee Development Plan;
8. Client/employee’s resume.
Other Things to Note:
There is no deadline to apply. This program can be accessed at any time.
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