PFM Capital Investment Program
PFM Capital invests in mid-market businesses, with the objective of achieving long-term capital appreciation. PFM Capital uses a broad range of securities, from common equity to subordinated debt, which ensures that its investees are able to grow and execute on their business plan without ever impeding the balance sheet.
Comments on Funding:
If a company matches PFM’s investment criteria, they would typically invest $5 – $25 million in a single financing.
Applicants must:
1. be Saskatchewan mid-market businesses;
2. be seeking financing to grow and execute on their business plan without ever impeding the balance sheet;
3. be business partners that meet these attributes:
a) Well aligned experienced management teams,
b) Market segments with growth potential,
c) 5-8 year investment timeframe,
d) A clear identifiable exit opportunity,
e) EBITDA of $2 – $10 MM and/or enterprise value of $10 – $50 MM.
Application Steps:
For application details, contact:
Regina, SK
PFM Capital Inc.
2nd Floor, The Assiniboia Club Building
1925 Victoria Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 0R3
TEL: (306) 791-4855
FAX: (306) 791- 4848
Winnipeg, MB
PFM Capital Inc.
8th Floor, 136 Market Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0P4
TEL: (204) 612-6100
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
About the author