Programme Accélération (Acceleration Program)
The 12-week Acceleration Program allows entrepreneurs to validate their business project. During this program, they will benefit from the support of an entrepreneur in residence, and will have access to a multitude of conferences, workshops, premises and facilities.
Comments on Funding:
Rolling Deadline
Applicants must:
1. be project leaders from all walks of life, including a researcher, entrepreneur, buyer, student, engineer or simply an individual with an innovative idea;
2. be startups;
3. be companies in the fields of deeptech, medtech or edtech;
4. have meet these project’s eligibility criteria:
a) The project is realistic and has commercialization potential;
b) The project includes a significant technological advance and/or a patentable innovation;
c) The project is part of the distinctive sectors and technological vectors promoted by Centech.
Application Steps:
Applicants must connect through the online contact form.
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
1. Two cohorts per year. Check back this website regularly for the exact intake application.
2. The Acceleration program is free and open to everyone. No fees, deposits, equity or intellectual property rights are requested.
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