Programme Cybersécurité (PICQ): Certification (Quebec Cybersecurity Innovation Program (QCIP): Certification Stream)
No fixed amount
The Certification Stream supports companies that want to or must demonstrate, with respect to cyber security, the compliance and interoperability of their technological products/solutions/processes. To qualify as a supplier or obtain certification, approval, or accreditation of their technological products/solutions/processes, the steps required to obtain certifications demand a considerable financial commitment that is supported by PROMPT.
Comments on Funding:
1. Maximum financial aid may represent up to 50% of eligible expenditures;
2. Private contributions must represent a minimum of 25% of eligible expenditures;
3. Cumulative government expenditures can total up to 75% of eligible project expenditures;
4. Maximum project duration is 2 years.
Large businesses or SMEs must:
1. be a private for-profit company with an active place of business in Quebec;
2. be legally incorporated under federal or Quebec laws in force and be registered with the Quebec enterprise register;
3. have its head office in Quebec and its employees or subcontractors must work mainly from Quebec;
4. not be owned by more than 50% by other existing businesses or organizations;
5. be seeking financing to obtain certification, approval or accreditation for your product, solution or process;
6. be seeking to qualify as a supplier or meet the security requirements specific to an industry, network or supply chain.
Application Steps:
Applicants must contact an advisor through PROMPT’s online contact form.
Documentation Needed:
No specific documentation has been identified.
Other Things to Note:
This program is on break.
Submission deadline: Information to come*
(*) The renewal of the program and the submission deadline are to be confirmed.
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