Prospector Mining Incentive Program
This program provides funding to prospectors and exploration companies that propose new exploration projects or are already carrying out mineral exploration work in the Northwest Territories (NWT).
Comments on Funding:
Funding takes the form of up grants of up to $25,000 in funding.
April (annually)
Applicants must:
1. Have a valid NWT Prospecting License (available at the Mining Recorder’s Office).
2. Possess a registered Canadian bank account for the transfer of grant money.
3. Only submit proposals for areas in which they have the legal right to conduct exploration (information on staking is available at the Mining Recorder’s Office).
4. Propose a well‐conceived and technically‐sound exploration program to be considered for MIP funding. Applications will be evaluated by the expert staff of the Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS) and other divisions of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI).
5. Maximize the use of NWT goods and services will be ranked higher than comparable applications that do not provide this benefit to the NWT.
6. Ensure that the proper permitting is in place and that work programs comply with existing laws and regulations (information on the Mining Regulations is available at the Mining Recorder’s Office).
7. Be prepared at all times to demonstrate compliance with the most current CPHO orders and guidance.
Application Steps:
Applicants must:
1. complete an application form.
2. send the completed application form to
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must attach all required documents identified in the application checklist.
Other Things to Note:
The deadline to apply is the last business day in April, each year.
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