Restoring the Lake Simcoe Watershed Program
no fixed amount
This program provides funding to landowners in the Lake Simcoe watershed. This funding helps landowners complete projects that have environmental benefits, supporting improved water quality, soil conservation, or natural heritage enhancement.
Comments on Funding:
There are individual funding rates and funding cap established according to the project type. Rates typically range from 50 – 100%, with caps for each project.
Properties are limited to a maximum of $25,000 for capital projects over the life of the program.
Continuous Intake
Applicants must:
1. be owners of public, private, or commercial properties within the Lake Simcoe watershed;
2. have projects to protect and restore the Lake Simcoe Watershed.
Application Steps:
Applicants must:
1. decide which type of project they wish to undertake. This will determine specific project guidelines and the level of grant funding available to them.
2. download the project-specific forms/checklist and application. They may contact LSRCA to receive a complete Application Package by email or mail. Restoration Project Specialists also are available to answer questions and provide applicants with information specific to their project.
3. submit their grant application package by email, mail or in person to LSRCA’s Administrative Office (Newmarket). The project will be assessed according to its contribution to improving water quality, conserving soil, or enhancing natural areas in the Lake Simcoe watershed.
All projects must be pre-approved for funding prior to commencing.
Once all required documents are received, you can expect to receive a cheque in the mail within 4-6 weeks.
Documentation Needed:
Landowners are responsible for arranging permits, project construction, and for paying contractors up-front and in-full. Receipts and other required documents must be sent to our stewardship department upon project completion.
Other Things to Note:
Funding is available for:
• Controlling Cropland Erosion
• Farm Well Management: Protection and Decommissioning
• Clean Water Diversion
• Enhancing Wildlife Habitat
• Improving Streams and Retrofitting On-line Ponds
• Managing Manure
• Managing Milkhouse Waste
• Planting Cover Crops
• Planting Trees & Shrubs
• Restricting Livestock from Watercourses
• Upgrading Septic Systems
• Wetland Restoration and Enhancement
• Grassland Restoration and Enhancement
• Tile Outlet Control Structure
• Wash Water Treatment Systems
• Farm Soil and Nutrient Management Planning
• Community action.
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