SADC Shawinigan Programme Virage Vert (Virage Green Program)
The Virage vert program provides financial support to Shawinigan businesses and organizations in the development of projects aimed at improving their environmental performance.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is a grant of ranging from $6,000 to $15,000 covering up to 90% of eligible expenses.
Rolling Deadline
Applicants must:
1. be individual businesses, partnerships or cooperatives (less than 200 employees);
2. be nonprofit organizations;
3. be located within the service area of SADC Shawinigan.
Application Steps:
For any questions about the program and its application process, contact Marc-André de Launière at 819-537-5107 ext. 214 or by
Documentation Needed:
For any questions about the documentation requirements, contact Marc-André de Launière at 819-537-5107 ext. 214 or by
Other Things to Note:
Applications are closed. Stay tuned for future intake announcements.
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