Support for Entrepreneurs and Economic Development (SEED): Strategic Investments
This program provides funding to NWT businesses looking to making large investments in their company in order to expand and grow their business.
Comments on Funding:
Funding takes the form of investments of up to $75,000.
April 1 to March 31st annually
Applicants must:
1. be NWT businesses;
2. meet the minimum equity requirements as follows:
a) 30% of project costs for Group 1 communities (Yellowknife, Hay River, Fort Smith, and Inuvik);
b) 20% of project costs for Group 2 communities (all other communities within NWT).
Application Steps:
Applicants must:
1. contact their regional Economic Development Officer to discuss their idea prior to the development of their proposal;
2. complete an application form;
3. submit the completed application form to their regional office.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must attach all required documents identified in the application checklist.
Other Things to Note:
Funding is available from April 1 to March 31st annually.
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