Technoclimat: Projet d’innovation pour une industrie assujettie au SPEDE (Innovation Project for an Industry Subject to the SPEDE)
The Technoclimat program offers financial assistance to support technology demonstration projects in Quebec in terms of energy and the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, either for the development of a pre-commercial innovation or for the testing a technology that is not yet available on the Quebec market. This component of the program aims to support innovation in energy and the reduction of GHG emissions, specifically for industries subject to Quebec’s SPEDE.
Comments on Funding:
Funding takes the form of grants of up to 50% of eligible expenses, for a maximum amount of $10 million per project.
Continuous Intake
The applicant can be any legal person or partnership having an establishment in Québec. However, if the company subject to the SPEDE is not the applicant, it must be a project partner.
For a project to be admissible under the component specific to industries subject to the SPEDE, it must:
1. relate to:
a) a pre-commercial technological innovation (technology readiness level 4 to 7) in energy efficiency, renewable energy, bioenergy or reduction of GHG emissions; OR
b) the testing of a technology in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy, bioenergy or the reduction of GHG emissions that is not found in or is found in the industries subject to the SPEDE very marginally. Specific conditions specific to the Quebec context of these industries must justify the trial.
c) a technology that has the potential to reduce the declared GHG emissions of industries subject to the SPEDE.
2. be carried out in Quebec, unless sufficient justification demonstrates the need to carry out certain activities outside Quebec. In this particular case, the applicant from Quebec will have to manage the project.
3. be carried out on the site of an industry subject to the SPEDE , except if sufficient justification demonstrates the need to carry out certain activities outside the site of the industry;
4. include measurement activities.
Application Steps:
To check if their project is admissible, applicants must contact one of the program managers in advance or complete the declaration of interest form.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must provide:
1. a completed Expression of interest for the Technoclimat program;
2. a completed financial aid application form;
3. additional documents as requested.
Other Things to Note:
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