Thunder Bay Ventures Term Loans
Thunder Bay Ventures provides financial assistance to businesses in the Thunder Bay CMA to new business starts and existing businesses.
Comments on Funding:
Funding is a loan of up to $150,000.
Interest rates vary with the level of risk.
Continuous Intake
Applicants can be new business starts as well as existing businesses.
Application Steps:
Applicants must submit the online loan request to find out the application details.
Documentation Needed:
No specific documents have been identified.
Other Things to Note:
NWOIP loans: Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) in Northwestern Ontario now have the ability to provide loans to Northwestern Ontario businesses in excess of their normal lending cap of $300,000, to as much as $600,000. With the help of the CFDCs’ funding partner, FedNor/Industry Canada, these loans are available to Northwestern Ontario Businesses for starting a new business or expanding an existing
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