Wakenagun Community Futures Development Corporation E-commerce Grant Program
no fixed amount
The E-commerce Grant Program from Wakenagun CFDC provides assistance to entrepreneurs in Western James Bay coastal communities, as well as TTN and Missinabie FN. Through this program, Wakenagun CFDC helps both new and established businesses by offering grants and arranging for experts to conduct culturally sensitive training workshops. These workshops cover topics such as understanding e-commerce, digital accessibility, infrastructure, and more.
Comments on Funding:
Funding takes the form of a grant.
Continuous Intake
Applicants must:
1. be entrepreneurs in the Western James Bay coastal
communities and TTN and Missinabie FN;
2. be a small to medium individual, family or
community owned Indigenous businesses;
3. have at most 500 employees; and
4. have at least 50.1% owned and controlled by
Indigenous (First Nations) person(s).
Application Steps:
For more details of this program, and its application process, applicants must contact:
Joyce Small
Email: businesssupport@wakenagun.ca
Tel: 705.268.3594
Website: www.wakenagun.ca
Documentation Needed:
For details about the documentation, applicants must contact:
Joyce Small
Email: businesssupport@wakenagun.ca
Tel: 705.268.3594
Website: www.wakenagun.ca
Other Things to Note:
- All
- and Missanabie Cree First Nation.
- Attawapiskat First Nation
- Fort Albany First Nation
- Fort Severn First Nation
- Indigenous Peoples
- Kashechewan First Nation
- MoCreebec & Local Services Board area)
- Moose Factory (Moose Cree First Nation
- Non-profit Organization
- Northeast Region
- Ontario
- Pay for Expertise
- Taykwa Tagamou First Nation
- the Town of Moosonee
- Train Employees/Skills Development
- Weenusk First Nation
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