Wakenagun Community Futures Development Corporation IEDF – BCF Loan Fund Program
Grant, In-Kind Support, Loan
The IEDF – BCF Loan Fund Program supports economic development initiatives and small businesses through counselling services and funding required – to start, maintain and expand their businesses, especially as they continue to pursue recovery efforts in these challenging times.
Comments on Funding:
1. Funding is a loan ranging from $20,000 to $100,000.
2. This program offers also a grant of up to $5,000 for economic development activity.
Continuous Intake
Applicant must:
1. be new businesses;
2. be existing businesses;
3. be in any of these communities:
a) Fort Severn,
b) Peawanuck,
c) Attawapiskat,
d) Kashechewan,
d) Fort Albany,
e) the Town of Moosonee,
f) Moose Cree,
g) MoCreebec,
h) Taykwa Tagamou, and
i. Missanabie
Application Steps:
For more details of this program, and its application process, applicants must contact Wakenagun CFDC:
Email: businesssupport@wakenagun.ca
Tel: 705.268.3594, extension 304
Documentation Needed:
For more details of documentation requirements, applicants must contact Wakenagun CFDC:
Email: businesssupport@wakenagun.ca
Tel: 705.268.3594, extension 304
Other Things to Note:
- All
- and Missanabie Cree First Nation.
- Attawapiskat First Nation
- Expand a Business
- Fort Albany First Nation
- Fort Severn First Nation
- Indigenous Peoples
- Kashechewan First Nation
- MoCreebec & Local Services Board area)
- Moose Factory (Moose Cree First Nation
- Non-profit Organization
- Northeast Region
- Ontario
- Start a Business
- Taykwa Tagamou First Nation
- the Town of Moosonee
- Weenusk First Nation
- Working Capital
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