Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive (WIPSI)






The Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive provides funding for employers and industry associations for training full-time employees to improve productivity and innovation within the organization.

Comments on Funding:

Funding for small businesses in Nova Scotia with less than 50 employees is up to 100% of the first $10,000 of eligible direct training. Eligible costs over $10,000 can be funded up to 50%. The minimum application amount is $5,000 in direct training costs. Small businesses can apply for up to $100,000 in a fiscal year.
For larger businesses (more than 50 employees), WIPSI provides up to 50% of direct training costs. The minimum application amount is $10,000 in direct training costs. Larger businesses can apply for up to $100,000 in a fiscal year.
For organizations, business associations and private sector unions the minimum application amount is $10,000 in direct training costs.


Continuous Intake


Applicants must be:
1. individual businesses, both for-profit and not-for profit,
2. an organization/association/sector councils/private sector unions on behalf of a group of businesses with enough interest from its membership to submit an application for a minimum of a $10,000 WIPSI contribution,
3. located in Nova Scotia,
4. registered and active in the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies or incorporated by an Act of the Nova Scotia Legislature,
5. over one calendar year into operations,
6. generating directly or representing businesses (e.g. Sector councils) that have at least thirty percent (30%) of revenues from commercial activity,
7. generating profit not solely from wholesale, retail, and accommodations and foodservices (e.g. businesses that manufacture and sell products).

The eligible staff must:
1. be currently employed full-time — and will continue to be paid while participating in training (full-time seasonal employees may be considered if being
paid full-time wages during training),
2. be of legal working age in the province,
3. live permanently in Nova Scotia.

Application Steps:

The applicant must:
1. register in the online Labor Market Programs Support System (LaMPSS),
2. complete the application form and submit it electronically.

Documentation Needed:

Applicants must submit the application form and the following supporting documents:
1. annual sales/revenues;
2. annual training investments;
3. number of employees and total annual salaries paid.

Other Things to Note:


About the author


Maurice (Moe) Muise learned the ins-and-outs of government while an employee of the Government of Canada in Ottawa for 10 years. His current focus is helping small businesses in Canada to identify and maximize funding to grow their business.

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