Youth Strategy Program
EEG’s Youth Strategy Program provides loans to Cree youth entrepreneurs aged 18 to 39. Funding can be used to start or purchase a new business or, for those already in business, modernize or expand their existing operations.
Comments on Funding:
Continuous Intake
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Applicants must be Cree youth entrepreneurs;
2. The promoter must be between the ages of 18-35;
3. The promoter must be Cree & Beneficiary under James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement;
4. The project must be realized in the Cree Territory;
5. The project is supported by a Band Council Resolution or by an Agreement in principle with the Local Band;
6. The promoter must provide a Guarantee on the Loan;
7. The promoter must submit a full business plan;
8. Provide Environmental Assessment Approval (if required);
9. Provide Partnership loan or Joint Venture Agreement (if required).
Application Steps:
Applicants must complete a Loan Application.
Documentation Needed:
Applicants must submit the following:
1. A Completed loan application;
2. A full business plan;
3. Band resolution supporting the project;
4. Lease agreement or Band resolution for the land (lot);
5. Personal data (Curriculum Vitae);
6. Partnership agreement (if more than one person on a project);
7. Other document(s) available to support project.
Other Things to Note:
Eeyou Istchee is a RCM (regional county municipality) equivalent.
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